Monday, January 7, 2008

Assbringer's Asshats... why Arcten why?

Assbringer's Asshats will be a recurring spotlight segment. Think of this as a "wall of shame". This list will be populated by folks who, possibly despite their best intentions, epic'ly failed in one way or another and I was there to see it. If you play on Draenor, you'll get far more use out of this list than a player on any other server.

Galoheart, a player I respect a great deal has an awesome post here about why your WoW reputation matters from his blog, Ardent Defender. It's definately worth a read if you've got time to browse some blogs. His point that I concur with wholeheartedly is that, yes, your reputation in this virtual world matters a great deal when it comes to joining parties, guilds, and raids; or even any other in-game event where you will be interacting with other players [which, in WoW is like... always].

So while I'm sure this is an absolute corruption of Galoheart's good intentions with his post on the matter, I'm instating the Assbringer's Asshats segment.

I will admit that when chosing my players to spotlight on here, maybe I simply witnessed a bad day in the life of one of the aforementioned asshats. Maybe they are, in fact, great people in real life. Maybe they are great guildmates who go out of their way to help out. Maybe they are truly epic, and are wearing full purples and have Black Temple on farm with their uber guild. These are all possible cases. Fact is though, is they did something that I thought was truly messed up and against the spirit of cooperation.

I believe they should be held accountable. I will go one step further and add that maybe I, too am an asshat who belongs on this list.

So as soon as someone else has a blog wtih a similar list, feel free to add me...

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